Curated by Kat Farmer

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Introducing the highly anticipated Curated by Kat Farmer collection from Ciaté London. Made up of five everyday essentials, this exclusive edit contains everything needed to create a multitude of versatile makeup looks for all occasions. Kat Farmer, stylist, writer and TV personality has accrued a devoted, cult following of fans. With her platforms being dedicated to inspire women of all ages to dress, she encourages her followers be true to their individual style.

The Curated by Kat Farmer Kit includes:

  • Dewy Blush in Watermelon
  • Everyday Vacay Lip Oil
  • Trend Palette in Chocolate
  • Fierce Flicks in Brown
  • Mini Wonderwand Mascara

Save 48% on the Curated by Kat Farmer Edit.